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Homeopathic Medicine Thuja Occidentalis 200CH, In the Treatment of Urinary Tract Infection- A Randomised, Placebo Controlled Trial
Nagendra Kumar Sisodiya; M.D.(Hom.); Ph.D. (Sch)
Assit. Prof. Dept. Of Pathology, State Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Ghazipur, U.P
Urinary Tract Infection is among the most prevalent infectious disease in human, with substantial financial burden on society. These are the most common bacterial infection in humans, both in the community and hospital setting and have been reported in all socio-economic classes and different age-group in both sexes, but uti is most commonly seen in females due to various clinical conditions like anatomic differences, hormonal effects, malnutrition, poor hygiene, and certain behavioural factors which include delay micturition, sexual activity and the use of diaphragms and. UTI is a second most common infectious presentation in community medical practice. The aim of the study was to study Effectiveness of Thuja Occientalis200CH in the treatment of UTI.
Methods: Single blind placebo-controlled study design has been adopted to know Elaborative study on ‘Effectiveness of Thuja Occidentalis 200CH, In Study of Urinary Tract Infection’. A total number of 80 patients were involved in study having age group 20 to 40 years, both gender and all socioeconomically classes, who fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Test group A-40 cases administered homoeopathic medicine Thuja Occidentalis 200CHand Control Group B-40 cases, received Placebo up to Three months with at least four visits.
Result: All data were calculated from the study of 80 individuals. Statistical tests regarding the various parameters were conducted and ratio of cure was found out in relation to the medicine used.
Conclusion: Hence finally it is concluded that, there is significant difference in result between groups of UTI patients receiving Homoeopathic medicine Thuja Occidentalis 200CH and placebo is significantly effective than placebo.