Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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Volume 10, Issue 3

Studies of the Origin and Nature of the Energetic Forces Exerted on a Torsion Pendulum by Human Subjects

John Norman Hansen

Asian J Complement Altern Med | Open Access | 10.53043/2347-3894.acam90037

Abstract | PDF | Full-Text

Ruta Graveolens in Homeopathic Dilution Has In Vitro Antitumor Activity in Osteosarcoma Cells (U2OS) and Low Effect on Canine
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (CTM)

Ana Catarina Viana Valle*, Aloísio Cunha de Carvalho, Hilana dos Santos Sena Brunel, Maria Tereza de Oliveira Rodrigues and Rosângela Vieira Andrade

Asian J Complement Altern Med | Open Access | 10.53043/2347-3894.acam90035

Abstract | PDF | Full-Text

Goodbye “Osseointegration”: Statement of the International Implant Foundation (Munich, Germany) and Strategic Implant®
specialists from around the World

Abhishare Reddy N (IN), Ahmed N (IN), Ahteskam M (IN), Antony B. (IN);Alejnikov I (RU), et al.

Asian J Complement Altern Med | Open Access | 10.53043/2347-3894.acam90036

Abstract | PDF | Full-Text

Simultaneous Estimation of Scopoletin, Bacopaside-II, Bacopasaponin-C, Withanolide-A, and Withanoside-IV in a Clinically Proven Polyherbal Formulation for Treatment of Insomnia

Sanman Kolhe, Sadanand Yewale, Pramod Kolsure,  Shrikant Dhavale, Sriram Padmanabhan*

Asian J Complement Altern Med | Open Access | 10.53043/2347-3894.acam90038

Abstract | PDF | Full-Text

TDP-43: A Key of Neurodegenerative Disease

Jie-Zhi Dou

Asian J Complement Altern Med | Open Access | 10.53043/2347-3894.acam90039

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