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Device for external use in alternative medicine applications US 8936815 B2
Zhilong Xu, Mengjun Yang, Ping Li
Asian J Complement Altern Med | Open Access
Abstract | PDF | Full-Text
Theraputic potential of E. littorale blume(Mamajjaka) in Metabolic Syndrome
Amit Vaibhav*, O.P. Singh**
Therapeutic effect of eel serum in an experimental rat model of chronic kidney failure
Luis Bárcenas-García, Clemente Vásque Miguel Huerta-Viera, Raúl López-Ascencio, Mario Del Toro-Equihua
In vivo Study of the Efficacy of Udumbar (Ficus - Glomerata) Twak Lepa in Honey Bee Sting
Nilam Malage, Swapnil Patil, Prashant Shirke, Smita Lokhande, Adarsh Desai
Effects of Mudra therapy among stress relief
Dr Balaji Deekshitulu P V