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Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (ISSN: 2347-3894) (ACAM) publishes a set of significant Open Access articles across all areas of science, Medical, Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
Rigorously reported, peer-reviewed and immediately available without restrictions, promoting the widest readership and impact possible. We encourage you to consider the journal’s scope before submission, as they are all editorially independent and specialized in their publication criteria and breadth of content.
We hope you will consider submitting your research to ACAM.
We, at ACAM, initiate a call for papers in all areas of science and medicine every month. From original research papers, survey papers, case studies and academic or scholarly articles to extended versions of previously published papers in conferences, scholarly journals or academic peer-reviewed international journals, we welcome high-quality work that focuses on research, development and application in the aforesaid areas.
You have manuscript submit it online: www.acamjournal.com/submit-manuscript.php or send an attachment to [email protected]
If I can be of any further assistance, please do contact me. I will be happy to assist you.