Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Asian Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine


Traditional zootherapeutic practices by the indigenous Khasi natives of Sohiong village, East Khasi hills district, Meghalaya, India

Ibanrikynti Turnia , Surya Bali Prasad

Cell and tumor biology laboratory, north historn hill university, INDIA


Objective: The aim of this study was to document the zootherapeutic values of some of the animals, parts and products of animals traditionally used by the native Khasi inhabitants, of Sohiong village, in the State of Meghalaya which is North-eastern part of India.

Methods: The information on the remedial uses of animals against different ailments were collected from the Khasi community of Sohiong village, who use a variety of zootherapeutic medicines for curing different ailments in their own indigenous ways. Information was collected by interviews, group discussion and personal interactions. Most of the information regarding the use of animals as medicines was provided by the elderly person of age group 60 years above.

Results: Total 13 animal groups were recorded of which the most were mammals (46 %) followed by insects (23%), aves (15%), amphibians (8%) and gastropod (8%). These are used in the treatment of various ailments including anaemia, cancer suspected cases, diarrhea, cough, fever etc. These were taken either orally or applied in the body parts or by prayer as ritual beliefs.

Conclusion: Present report is probably the first of this kind to document some zootherapeutic application being followed by the Khasis in Sohiong village, East khasi Hills district of Meghalaya, India. Our results demonstrated the persistence of traditional zootherapeutic medicinal practice in Sohiong village for primary health care. This knowledge may help in planning strategies of conservation, management and sustainable use of animal resources in traditional medicine.


Sohiong, Traditional medicine, Zootherapy

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