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Theory of Arakan-e arbaa (four basic elements) as a fundamental matter of human being and its explanation: a pivotal concept of Tibb-e unani
Khan, MD. Imran1, Rahman, Anisur2, Laeeque, M. Akram3, Sheerani, F.S4
1Pg scholar, department of kulliyat, ajmal khan tibbiya college, amu, aligarh
2pg scholar, department of ilmul-advia, ajmal khan tibbiya college, amu, aligarh
3pg scholar, department of moalejat, ajmal khan tibbiya college, amu, aligarh
4professor, department of kulliyat, ajmal khan tibbiya college, amu, aligarh
Unani system of medicine (Tibb-e Unani) provides a holistic approach toward human health. Unani system of medicine starts the discussion of health and disease with seven umoor-e tabiyah, which are necessary for existence of human body. In umoor-e-tabiyah, arkan-e arbaa (four basic elements) exist at prime position. The arkan-e-arbaa takes part in formation of not only human body but the entire universe. It is the basic and fundamental matter, for the development of human being. These are al-ardh, al-ma’a, al-hawa, and al-naar. Of these four arakan, al-naar and al-hawaa are light while alma’a and al-ardh are heavy. These arkan-e arbaa possesses four qualities, and have four different positions in this universe. Two heavy arakan, Al-ardh and alma’a possesses barudat wa yabusat and barudat wa ratubat respectively. While the other two light arakaan, al-hawaa and al-naar posseses harat wa barudat and hararat wa yabusat respectively. All the living and non-living bodies get existence from arakaan-e arbaa and finally dissolve into it.
Arkan-e-arbaa, Fundamental matter, Tibb-e Unani