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Concept of Saman-E-Mufrat (Obesity) and Role of Asbab-E-Sitta Zarooriya in Its Managements.
Sana Sultana1, Md Imran Khan1, Nida Sultana2, Sayid Ahmad1, Dr f. S. Sheerani3
1PG Scholar, Department of Kulliyat, AKTC, AMU
2PG Scholar, Department of Moalajat, AKTC, AMU
3Associate Professor, Department of Kulliyat, AKTC, AMU
Obesity is regarded today as a major public health problem in developed as well as developing countries. Obesity may be defined as abnormal growth of adipose tissue due to an enlargement of fat cell size (hypertrophic obesity) or increase in fat cell number (hyperplasic obesity) or a combination of both. It is generally associated with CHD, Diabetes, HTN, Arthritis, Infertility, physical inactivity etc and it leads to higher mortality rate. According to Hippocratic doctrine, “sudden death is more common in those who are naturally fat than in the lean.” International obesity task force (IOTF) analysis estimates that approx one billion adults are currently overweight and a future 475 millions are obese. The WHO now describes global obesity, or “globesity” as one of the top ten risks to human health. Unani system of medicine provides a holistic approach to combat against this global monster. USM gives the concept of asbab-e sitta zarooriya, without which life of human being is unimaginable. By alteration in these asbab-e sitta zarooriya, we can achieve a goal of healthy life. Because these factor are directly related to human health. These are Hawa-e-muheet, Makool wa mashroob, Harkat wa sukoon-e badani, Harkat wa sukoon-e nafsani, Naum wa yaqzah, Ehtibas wa istafragh. In this paper our aim to provide holistic approach of Unani medicine towards obesity and its management.
Saman-e-mufrat, Asbab-e-sitta zarooriya, globesity.